Monday, February 6, 2012

long break

Hi everyone! Its been a while. I am sorry for my long hiatus, I was super crazy with work (the lamest excuse ever!) I had to sneak in to do some fast and short and staged sewing during the weekends. So what i did was some simple projects and I actually managed to finish up one of my very early quilt project. It took me a total of many months actually!! Sooooooo glad it's now out of my forever-WIP list, it was sick just lying on the floor waiting to be finished. Here is a picture of it.

I was stucked at the binding part. That part only took about4 months. It is a big accomplishment for me on one part, but not so on the other.

Happy? - the actual finished is queen size quilt! (wow!) and I actually hand- quilted this one all the way. That explain the big blocks of the quilting, I got tired to continue going into smaller quilting blocks.

Not so happy part? - was the color choice. I was basically just learnt about patchwork quilting, and obviously did not do much homework and just dive and do. I knew that the fabrics are just wrong when I was putting them together but I proceeded anyway. Well, thats dusted and done.

Actually loving it on my bed now. It is so comfy for our warm weather. My husband worshipped it (hehe). And my baby daughter, she loves rolling herself on it! Just look at that picture, isn't she the greatest ? She turned 6 months this week and how do I say this, she's just a joy!

I also managed to whip up other nice projects here and then. This is a dress top for my baby girl, I got the free tutorial from the ladies of PrudentBaby, it was really fast coming up together I am definitely recommending it. The fabric is from the funkymunky line which you can get from many online shoppe.

And with the leftover came up a cut-as-i-sew laptop sleeve for my hubby. He's been hoarding that fabric ever since I got it from a local supplier he finally got some piece of it he was ecstatic! (love :) He's a child at heart.

Me and my mom has also came up with some new projects for ourselves and my daughter now she's a growing little girl. Just look at these. There will be more pictures coming up in relation to this particular project; baby girls' dresses. I hope they are going to turn up just fine, with all that complicated bias binding and what not. Here's hoping.

And yeah, I'll finish my post with this. Made it from my echo quilt top scraps. and loving it. It is my first scrappy mug rug! Yeay!

Yeah I know this is so freakingly wordy. So sorry. This is actually the shorten version. Please don't be scared to come to my blog again. Pretty please....

Happy week ahead y'all.

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